KMH is a proprietor of Kamanga Medics Company Limited that was founded in July, 2013 as a company that deals with all medical services including provision of health care facility and its related businesses. .


KAMANGA HEALTH FOUNDATION is a non-profit and non-governmental Organization which has been initiated and established by committed persons as a health systems intervention strategy. The Organization envisages a society where there would be access to ..

**NHIF*Kamanga Is Now Giving services to NHIF CLIENT .

**New pest control technology*Health facilities rely on the latest technologies to make a difference for their patients and their bottom lines. As new technology comes along – and it’s always evolving – hospitals and health facilities can improve operations, increase productivity and save money.

**Eight foods to superpower your immune system

              Working hours: Monday/Tuesday/ Wednesday/ Thursday/ Friday/ Saturday/ Sunday/--- Open 24 hours